WordPress File Share

Sharing files with clients, customers, staff, patients, etc… can be a very challenging task.

How do you send a large file without compromising its’ privacy & security?

How do you ensure that the link won’t be forwarded around the internet for just anyone to download or view?

How can you solve these issues, and at the same time give your client confidence that these type worries are of no concern?

The answer is that you need a secure and private client portal inside which those files can be shared. If you have a WordPress site, you will need a solution that makes it easy, and the easiest possible solution would be a plugin that offers File Share for WordPress.

You, as the admin will want to upload the files securely to the secure file sharing area, and then assign that file to the client or clients who are being authorized for access.

Then, the client will be able to login and see the files waiting for him or her. Only a properly logged in user will be able to access the file, and it will not be accessible by direct URL at any time. The file cannot be seen by search engines, and cannot be accessed by those with malicious intent.

After you have your Client Portal in place, then File Sharing will become easy and efficient.

WP-Client is a WordPress plugin that includes, among many other fine options, a File Share component.

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